Meet my MortarBoard. Sold by the MortarBoard league, association, whatever, on campus to raise money for scholarships, it has been my sanity for the past four years (and whenever I actually have a life). Sold in two sizes, this is the larger and is something like 8.5" x 11", while the smaller one that I easily outgrew after freshman year is something like 5" x 6" . . . I don't remember. At any rate, whether I have chosen to mentally accept the fact that I have graduated or not, I am still left without my beloved yearly agenda book. It has a week divider and a large full length column for each day of the week, with smaller rows/columns for the weekends. my only problem is finding a large agenda such as this. While I have several people who have offered to buy me one and ship it once school starts (since they're on a school calendar), I am trying to find something a bit more refined and more practical than trying to find someone to send me one every year. I've looked into several Coach and Cross designs, but none have really struck my fancy. And of course, I've scoured Target for one as well (although, I like the idea of getting a Coach or large luxe brand agenda because I'm quite sure I can get new pages anywhere at anytime). So here is my plea: help me find a large, full size agenda. Suggestions, anything - is appreciated.
And while we're on the subject, I'm kind of looking into a new wallet, since mine is showing the two years of college abuse I've given it. I was thinking a nice small billfold, change purse style . . . any ideas there?
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